Lelièvre Tires

Lelièvre Tires was created in 1972 by Jean-Pierre LELIEVRE:

He is in SARL since 1998 with his sons Hubert and Bertrand LELIEVRE today. The head office of the company is located in Montsecret. The total workforce is 15 employees spread over 3 sites:

Montsecret(61), Saint-Pierre-Auge(14) et Naintré(86).

LELIEVRE TIRES SARL is specialized in the sale and the purchase of tires and wheels of trucks, tractors, planes and OTR, as well as the repair of tyres by vulcanization. These main customers are the traders and the dealers of tires.


Since 2004,LELIEVRE TIRES SARL also intervenes in collection of worn tyres several departments for France Recycling Tyres. This activity of collection, sorting and grouping of tyres is centralized on our site of Montsecret.

Lelièvres Tires Company Introduction


In April, 2014, the company purchased a 2nd one autoclave for his workshop and to mitigate the increasing demand of repair of tires GC. The activity of growing repair, it was necessary to hire a new full-time employee to relieve the workshop repair.

Since its creation, LELIEVRE TIRES SARL work ceaselessly on the development of the company whether it is in the business, the recycling and the repair of the tire. A growth which can be possible only by the human and material investment.